Per chi si riconosce in una nuova visione del mondo: guardandolo da se stessi. Per chi vuole abitare e non distruggere la propria casa... "Ricordatevi della vostra umanità, e dimenticate il resto". If you recognize yourself in a new vision of the world, looking at it from themselves. For those who want to live and not destroy your home ... "Remember your humanity and forget the rest."
sabato 8 giugno 2019
I principi della missione di vita individuale e comune
Ogni viaggio inizia con il primo passo. Se il viaggio fosse la nostra mission e la mission comune, cosa mettiamo in valigia?
mercoledì 5 giugno 2019
Perchè siamo schiavi di noi stessi
gli uomini sono schiavi di se stessi
umano in quanto individualità ed in quanto società rimane in uno
stato di schiavitù per le seguenti ragioni:
MANCANZA DI LIBERTA’: gli individui non sono liberi in quanto
questa società non vuole che lo siano, non vuole persone sagge, in
quanto si ribellerebbero ad una vita senza senso. Una vita dedicata
all’accumulo di denaro per altre persone: siamo costretti a
lavorare (spesso facendo un’attività che mal sopportiamo o
addirittura odiamo) per tantissime ore al giorno e per tutto il tempo
della nostra vita. Ci viene concesso il tempo delle “cosiddette
ferie” quando DOBBIAMO per forza divertirci, spendendo denaro in
viaggi ed altre attività ludiche. Se ogni persona si dedicasse
all’attività più consona alle sue attitudini, preferenze,
passioni e talenti il lavoro non esisterebbe, ma sarebbe puro
divertimento… tutti lo farebbero per quante ore vogliono senza
limite alcuno e producendo molto di più e con molta più QUALITA’.
libertà è un lusso che crediamo di non poterci permettere perché
ci hanno imposto una vita che non abbiamo pianificato noi ma la
NOSTRA FAMIGLIA e la NOSTRA SOCIETA’ , due entità che ci
proteggono, ma, allo stesso tempo, ci opprimono in quanto nessuno
coglie gli aspetti più profondi della parte negativa, soprattutto,
quando si tratta della famiglia.
entità contiene i germi delle nostre debolezze e quelli dei nostri
avi che ci sono state tramandate e che noi tramanderemo ai nostri
figli, inconsciamente, ma lo faremo se non saremo in grado di guarire
dai traumi e dai blocchi che ci sono stati nel nostro albero
per studiare quello che ci dicono, fare il lavoro che ci dicono,
sposarci, fare dei figli e poi andare in pensione per tenere i figli
dei nostri figli e passare qualche anno prima che le malattie
psicosomatiche da noi stessi generate prendano il sopravvento su di
noi per renderci la parte migliore della nostra vita, ovvero la
maturità, un vero inferno per noi ed i nostri cari.
essere schiavi per essere sfruttati, dobbiamo essere figli, padri,
cittadini, lavoratori e consumatori; dobbiamo essere robot, schiavi
di una vita meccanica dove la nostra consapevolezza viene annullata,
dove non possiamo ribellarci altrimenti tutti ci additerebbero come
pericolosi, perché la saggezza ci renderebbe liberi e quindi nessuna
società, religione, stato o altro organismo imposto vuole la
saggezza. E questo porta al secondo punto, secondo ma non in ordine
di importanza:
l’evoluzione personale della consapevolezza può darci lo slancio
per uscire dalla schiavitù, ma DIPENDE SOLO DA NOI, da quanto tempo
dedichiamo all’auto formazione, alla meditazione, alle attività
che creano coscienza di se stessi, alle attività che creano
benessere per noi e per gli altri.
consapevolezza non è il pensiero, ma è la sua evoluzione:
un’essenza dinamica fuori dal tempo e che sta sopra al processo del
pensiero compulsivo formato dalle mille corazze e maschere della
nostra personalità: una falsa individualità impostaci dal
cosiddetto famoso ego: la miriade di immagini di noi impostaci dagli
altri in modo subdolo da quando nasciamo.
dimoriamo nel Sé, questa immagine è debole e quindi riusciamo ad
essere noi stessi, e, perlomeno, a controllare l’ego e ad usarlo,
non il contrario.
MANCANZA DI NATURALEZZA. Abbiamo perso il contatto con la natura e
ciò che ci contiene. Non ci rendiamo più conto di essere un
tassello di un incredibile mosaico che funziona dinamicamente in modo
armonico. Ogni qualvolta che non siamo naturali creiamo un effetto
uguale e contrario che si riflette su di noi in modo negativo, come
un potenziale superfluo creato per ristabilire armonia dove noi
stessi abbiamo creato solo caos.
moderno è sostanzialmente creatore di caos: possiamo valutare,
guardando con gli occhi del bambino, cosa stiamo facendo alla nostra
casa Madre Terra, a noi stessi ed ai nostri vicini.
Tornando ad una vita naturale, ma allo stesso tempo con l’uso di
una tecnologia sostenibile, l’uomo potrebbe invece trasformare la
società in un luogo di benessere per tutti.
Why men are slaves of themselves
The human being as individuality and as a society remains in a state of slavery for the following reasons:
1) LACK OF FREEDOM: individuals are not free because this society does not want them to be, does not want wise people, as they would rebel against a meaningless life. A life dedicated to the accumulation of money for other people: we are forced to work (often doing an activity that we don't like or even hate) for many hours a day and for the whole time of our lives. We are allowed the time of the "so-called holidays" when we MUST have fun, spending money on trips and other recreational activities. If every person devoted himself to the activity most suited to his attitudes, preferences, passions and talents, work would not exist, but it would be pure fun ... everyone would do it for as many hours as they want without any limit and producing much more and with much more QUALITY. .
Freedom is a luxury that we believe we cannot afford because they have imposed on us a life that we have not planned but OUR FAMILY and OUR SOCIETY, two entities that protect us but, at the same time, oppress us as no one catches us the deeper aspects of the negative part, above all, when it comes to the family.
This entity contains the germs of our weaknesses and those of our ancestors that have been handed down to us and that we will pass on to our children, unconsciously, but we will do it if we are not able to recover from the traumas and blocks that have been in our tree Pedigree.
We are born to study what they tell us, do the work they tell us, get married, have children and then retire to keep our children's children and spend a few years before the psychosomatic illnesses we generate take over us to make ourselves the best part of our life, or maturity, a real hell for us and our loved ones.
We must be slaves to be exploited, we must be children, fathers, citizens, workers and consumers; we must be robots, slaves of a mechanical life where our awareness is nullified, where we cannot rebel otherwise everyone would point us as dangerous, because wisdom would make us free and therefore no society, religion, state or other imposed organism wants wisdom. And this leads to the second point, second but not in order of importance:
Only the personal evolution of awareness can give us the impetus to get out of slavery, but ONLY DEPENDS ON US, how long have we dedicated to self-training, meditation, activities that create self-awareness, activities that create well-being for us and for others.
Awareness is not thought, but its evolution: a dynamic essence out of time and that is above the process of compulsive thinking formed by the thousand armor and masks of our personality: a false individuality imposed on us by the so-called famous ego: the myriad of images of us imposed on us by others in a subtle way since we were born.
When we abide in the Self, this image is weak and therefore we manage to be ourselves, and at least to control the ego and use it, not the other way around.
3) LACK OF NATURALNESS. We have lost touch with nature and what contains us. We no longer realize we are a piece of an incredible mosaic that works dynamically in a harmonious way. Whenever we are not natural we create an equal and opposite effect that reflects on us in a negative way, as a superfluous potential created to restore harmony where we ourselves have created only chaos.
Modern man is basically a creator of chaos: by looking with the eyes of the child, we can evaluate what we are doing to our Mother Earth home, to ourselves and to our neighbors.
Returning to a natural life, but at the same time with the use of sustainable technology, man could instead turn society into a place of well-being for all.
The human being as individuality and as a society remains in a state of slavery for the following reasons:
1) LACK OF FREEDOM: individuals are not free because this society does not want them to be, does not want wise people, as they would rebel against a meaningless life. A life dedicated to the accumulation of money for other people: we are forced to work (often doing an activity that we don't like or even hate) for many hours a day and for the whole time of our lives. We are allowed the time of the "so-called holidays" when we MUST have fun, spending money on trips and other recreational activities. If every person devoted himself to the activity most suited to his attitudes, preferences, passions and talents, work would not exist, but it would be pure fun ... everyone would do it for as many hours as they want without any limit and producing much more and with much more QUALITY. .
Freedom is a luxury that we believe we cannot afford because they have imposed on us a life that we have not planned but OUR FAMILY and OUR SOCIETY, two entities that protect us but, at the same time, oppress us as no one catches us the deeper aspects of the negative part, above all, when it comes to the family.
This entity contains the germs of our weaknesses and those of our ancestors that have been handed down to us and that we will pass on to our children, unconsciously, but we will do it if we are not able to recover from the traumas and blocks that have been in our tree Pedigree.
We are born to study what they tell us, do the work they tell us, get married, have children and then retire to keep our children's children and spend a few years before the psychosomatic illnesses we generate take over us to make ourselves the best part of our life, or maturity, a real hell for us and our loved ones.
We must be slaves to be exploited, we must be children, fathers, citizens, workers and consumers; we must be robots, slaves of a mechanical life where our awareness is nullified, where we cannot rebel otherwise everyone would point us as dangerous, because wisdom would make us free and therefore no society, religion, state or other imposed organism wants wisdom. And this leads to the second point, second but not in order of importance:
Only the personal evolution of awareness can give us the impetus to get out of slavery, but ONLY DEPENDS ON US, how long have we dedicated to self-training, meditation, activities that create self-awareness, activities that create well-being for us and for others.
Awareness is not thought, but its evolution: a dynamic essence out of time and that is above the process of compulsive thinking formed by the thousand armor and masks of our personality: a false individuality imposed on us by the so-called famous ego: the myriad of images of us imposed on us by others in a subtle way since we were born.
When we abide in the Self, this image is weak and therefore we manage to be ourselves, and at least to control the ego and use it, not the other way around.
3) LACK OF NATURALNESS. We have lost touch with nature and what contains us. We no longer realize we are a piece of an incredible mosaic that works dynamically in a harmonious way. Whenever we are not natural we create an equal and opposite effect that reflects on us in a negative way, as a superfluous potential created to restore harmony where we ourselves have created only chaos.
Modern man is basically a creator of chaos: by looking with the eyes of the child, we can evaluate what we are doing to our Mother Earth home, to ourselves and to our neighbors.
Returning to a natural life, but at the same time with the use of sustainable technology, man could instead turn society into a place of well-being for all.
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- Alessandro Orlandi
- Genova, Liguria, Italy
- Per ogni info non dubitate a contattarmi via mail