Ho letto la proposta e l'ho trovata nteressante.
Vorrei dire qualcosa in merito:
Sono felice di leggere questa pirma bozza della legge. Non l'ho letta tutta perchè non essendo un esperto mi sono un po' perso.. sono perfettamente daccordo con il principio. Da tempi immemorabili molte persone vivono nell'ignoranza e nella fame e non riescono ad uscire da questo circolo vizioso.
lo stato dovrebbe tutelare anche i diritti umani e non bacchettare i cittadini con tasse inique, sperperando poi i soldi pubblici in maniere incredibili che molti non condividono: dov'è allora la tanto decantata democrazia?
perchè pago le tasse e poi scopro che lo stato italiano spende miliardi in spese militari? a cosa servono queste armi, oltre che a far crescere i bilanci e fatturati dell'industria? Basterebbe eliminare questa spesa ed ecco incredibilmente che escono i fondi per il reddito di cittadinanza, anzi avanza qualcosa, magari per far diventare le scuole da prigioni fatiscenti quali sono a posti ove andare volentieri con la voglia di imparare. Alleviamo una nuova generazione che creerà un futuro migliore: reddito di cittadinanza, ampi investimenti nella scuola e cultura, riduzione dell'orario di lavoro per stare di più con i nostri cari,. aumento vertiginoso delle piste ciclabili e tasse altissime sulle automobili specie di alta cilindrata, creazione di meccanismi virtuosi di riciclo dei rifiuti, acqua pubblica gestita con il controllo anche di comitati di cittadini in line, potenziazione delle biblioteche con testi, computer collegati alla rete, sale cinema, corsi teatrali...., aumento delle zone verdi nelle città e distruzione di aree cementate inutili, creazione di posti di ristorazione speciali dove i meno abbienti possano avere almeno un pasto decente al giorno, incentivo all'uso di energia pulita con tariffe veramente convenienti e verifica della reale provenienza (no carbone pulito, no nucleare, no petrolio, no inceneritori...), chiusura di ampie zone nel centro città alle auto ed uso di biciclette a tempo con abbonamento (come a Londra), autobus elettrici e/o ibridi a seconda delle zone (come a Londra), tetto massimo di una pensione o stipendio pubblico = 10000 euro mensile netto.......solo solo poche idee buttate li.
Vogliamo fare qualcosa per questa nuova umanità?
It ' been forwarded a proposal to the citizen's income , one of the cornerstones of the Movimento 5 stelle .
I have read the proposal and found it interesting.
I would like to say something about :
I am happy to read this sign up first draft of the law. I have not read it all because not being an expert I am a bit ' lost .. are perfectly okay with the principle . From time immemorial, many people live in hunger and ignorance and can not get out of this vicious circle .
the state should also protect the human rights and not bacchettare citizens with unfair taxes , and squandering public money in ways that many do not share amazing : then where is the much vaunted democracy?
because I pay my taxes and then find out that the Italian state spends billions in military spending ? what are these weapons , in addition to growing budgets and invoiced the industry? It would be enough to eliminate this expense and that is incredibly out that the funds for the citizen's income , in fact anything left , maybe to make the schools to prisons which are crumbling in places where to go willingly with the desire to learn. We breed a new generation that will create a better future citizen's income , large investments in schools and culture , reduction of working hours to spend more time with our loved ones . surge in bike lanes and high taxes on cars especially high capacity , creating virtuous circles of waste recycling, public water run even with the control of citizens' committees in line with texts potentiation of libraries , computers connected to the network , salt cinema, theater courses ...., increase of green areas in cities and destruction of unnecessary cemented areas , creation of special food where the poor can have at least one decent meal a day, encouraging the use of clean energy, with rates really cheap and verification of real provenance ( no clean coal , no nuclear , no oil, no incinerators ... ) , the closure of large areas in the city center to cars and use bicycles to time with subscription ( as in London) , electric buses and / or hybrid depending on the area ( as in London) , ceiling of a public pension or salary = 10,000 EUR net monthly ....... only just a few ideas thrown them .
We want to do something for this new humanity ?
It ' been forwarded a proposal to the citizen's income , one of the cornerstones of the Movimento 5 stelle .
I have read the proposal and found it interesting.
I would like to say something about :
I am happy to read this sign up first draft of the law. I have not read it all because not being an expert I am a bit ' lost .. are perfectly okay with the principle . From time immemorial, many people live in hunger and ignorance and can not get out of this vicious circle .
the state should also protect the human rights and not bacchettare citizens with unfair taxes , and squandering public money in ways that many do not share amazing : then where is the much vaunted democracy?
because I pay my taxes and then find out that the Italian state spends billions in military spending ? what are these weapons , in addition to growing budgets and invoiced the industry? It would be enough to eliminate this expense and that is incredibly out that the funds for the citizen's income , in fact anything left , maybe to make the schools to prisons which are crumbling in places where to go willingly with the desire to learn. We breed a new generation that will create a better future citizen's income , large investments in schools and culture , reduction of working hours to spend more time with our loved ones . surge in bike lanes and high taxes on cars especially high capacity , creating virtuous circles of waste recycling, public water run even with the control of citizens' committees in line with texts potentiation of libraries , computers connected to the network , salt cinema, theater courses ...., increase of green areas in cities and destruction of unnecessary cemented areas , creation of special food where the poor can have at least one decent meal a day, encouraging the use of clean energy, with rates really cheap and verification of real provenance ( no clean coal , no nuclear , no oil, no incinerators ... ) , the closure of large areas in the city center to cars and use bicycles to time with subscription ( as in London) , electric buses and / or hybrid depending on the area ( as in London) , ceiling of a public pension or salary = 10,000 EUR net monthly ....... only just a few ideas thrown them .
We want to do something for this new humanity ?
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