Settima lezione presso
l’università dell’essere umano
Come diventare responsabili del proprio
futuro cancellando la programmazione avuta dal passato
In base a studi scientifici di
neuroscienze i nostri comportamenti derivano dal 95 al 99% dalla
mente subconscia, ovvero si tratta di vere e proprie abitudini
Se dovessimo paragonare la nostra mente
ad un computer avremmo:
95% circa = mente subconscia con
capacità di calcolo di 40 milioni di bit al secondo (però questo
“programma” è stato inserito nei primi 6 anni circa della nostra
vita e non è modificabile in modo semplice perché si tratta per
così dire del “sistema operativo” impiantato nell’hard disk
che ha grosse capacità ovvero occupa gran parte del nostro cervello)
5% circa = mente conscia con capacità
di calcolo di 40 bit al secondo ( qui abbiamo la nostra creatività, i
nostri veri desideri e aspirazioni, la nostra consapevolezza, il
pensiero positivo: questo piccolo programma è contenuto nella ram e
quindi occupa una piccolissima parte del cervello ).
Questo significa che noi siamo
veramente noi stessi circa al massimo il 5% delle volte,
mentre per il resto chi “risponde” è il programma impiantato nel
subconscio che ovviamente deriva dai condizionamenti avuti dal
concepimento a circa il sesto anno di età, ovvero da altre
persone (genitori, parenti, insegnanti, media ecc ecc).
Un'altra notizia incredibile?
Ovviamente non siamo consapevoli di questo!
Già che ci siamo ve ne dico un'altra
di notizia? Ma si , ve la dico: la parte conscia oltre ad essere così
inferiore come capacità e velocità è quasi sempre “fra le
nuvole” ovvero spostata nel futuro ( vorrei essere, vorrei fare,
come farò, cosa dovrei fare domani…) oppure nel passato (perché
non ho fatto così, avrei dovuto essere cosà ecc ecc) E NON NEL
Non ci credete?
Facciamo un piccolo esempio: guidate
Vi ricordate i primi giorni in cui la
guidavate? Eravate tesissimi guardavate tutto ed eravate super
concentrati su quello che succedeva…e nonostante questo il
risultato non era ottimo..perchè?
Primo perché vi mancava l’esperienza,
è ovvio ma che cos’è l’esperienza?
Ora che guidate da molto tempo cosa
succede? Salite e parte il programma automatico di guida, non è
vero? Potete guidare e nello stesso tempo parlare con qualcuno o
addirittura fare altre cose (non fatelo è pericoloso!!) e mentre
parlate al telefonino continuate a guidare in modo completamente
automatico ed efficiente: quando arriverete a destinazione però,
ricordate tutto il percorso o ricordate la conversazione avuta al
telefono (fatta in parte con la mente conscia) ??
Chi ha guidato l’auto? Ovviamente la
mente subconscia, il programma preinstallato di guida automatica.
Ora un altro esempio:
Camminate per strada e qualcuno vi
viene davanti (non lo conoscete) e vi insulta con accuse
assolutamente infondate (probabilmente ha sbagliato persona): chi
reagisce a cio?
La vostra mente inconscia fa partire il
suo programma ed a meno che voi siate particolarmente consapevoli con
una “padronanza” delle emozioni, molto probabilmente il programma
farà partire una reazione chimica di stress ( adrenalina, pompaggio
del sangue alle zone di pericolo ovvero gambe e braccia togliendolo
alle zone come il cervello e gli organi interni).
Molto probabilmente il programma
prevederà di mettersi in chiusura indietreggiando e magari
rispondendo con la stessa moneta ovvero insultando questa persona.
A seconda del condizionamento avuto
potrete reagire in diversi modi (aggressività, paura, indifferenza,
risata isterica ecc ecc) ma il punto è: chi reagisce?
Quindi se voglio diventare responsabile
delle mie azioni devo in qualche modo cambiare le mie “credenze”
ovvero ciò che costituisce il sistema operativo: tutte le
informazioni introdotte nel mio subconscio nei primi anni di vita
dall’ambiente esterno.
Non è assolutamente facile perché non
ne sono consapevole!
Ma esistono delle tecniche con cui
capire , leggere e pulire queste informazioni “impiantate” nella
mente dal concepimento a circa 6 anni di vita.
I preti cristiani gesuiti conoscevano
questo meccanismo ed infatti dicevano: datemi un bambino fino a 6
anni e sarà per sempre della chiesa!: non importa quello che
penserà, desidererà con la sua mente conscia, perché il suo
programma di base ormai è stato impiantato e reagisce in base alle
informazioni date.
Il problema è che la mente subconscia
funziona come un registratore a cassette: ha registrato il suo
programma nella cassetta nei primi anni e quando serve avvia il play
e lo ripete. Stiamo parlando di abitudini che svolgiamo senza
consapevolezza e che richiedono uno sforzo ed un tempo per essere
La consapevolezza cresciuta grazie a
tecniche meditative è sicuramente uno dei metodi più efficaci per
rendere la nostra mente conscia un “testimone” di ciò accade e
capire e correggere. Risulta però abbastanza difficile essere
consapevoli al 100% sempre e comunque, soprattutto nei momenti in cui
la chimica del cervello influenza in modo massiccio le nostre
risposte automatiche con l’emissione di ormoni. Per questo motivo è
indispensabile una certa costanza di qualsiasi tecnica di meditazione
si usi in modo che penetri il più possibile anch’essa nel
Un’altra riflessione d’obbligo è
che per essere veramente e totalmente liberi è necessario essere
almeno consapevoli di questi meccanismi, altrimenti la vita diventa
più simile a qualcosa che si subisce: diventiamo delle vittime.
Queste sensazioni sono state e sono
abbondantemente sfruttate dai capi religiosi per attribuire falsi
sensi di colpa alle persone ed indurle a rispettare le regole imposte
dal credo in uso. E’ una fortissima forma di manipolazione che
rende schiave le persone da centinaia di anni, senza permettere di
capire e sfruttare l’enorme potenziale che invece è dentro di noi!
Seventh lecture
at the University of the human
How to become responsible for their own future by erasing the programming had from the past
Based on scientific studies of neuroscience our behaviors derive 95-99 % by the unconscious mind , that this is real established habits .
If we were to compare the mind to a computer we would have :
Approximately 95% = unconscious mind with computing capability of 40 million bits per second ( though this " program " was included in the first 6 years or so of our lives and can not be changed simply because it is so to speak the "system operating " implanted in the hard disk that has large capacity that occupies a large part of our brain )
About 5% = conscious mind with computing capabilities of 4 bits per second ( here we have our creativity, our true desires and aspirations , our awareness , positive thinking : This small program is contained in the ram and then occupies a very small part the brain).
This means that we are truly ourselves about more than 5 % of the time , while the rest who " responds " is the program implanted in the unconscious which obviously comes from the conditioning had from conception to about the sixth year of age , or by other people ( parents , relatives , teachers, media, etc etc) .
Another incredible news ? Obviously we are not aware of this !
While we're there to tell you another news? But yeah, I'm telling you : the conscious as well as being well below capacity and speed is almost always " in the clouds " or moved in the future ( I would be , I would like to do, like I do, what I should do tomorrow ...) or in the past (because i have not done so, I would have considered itself etc etc ) AND NOT IN THIS OR THE ONLY TRUE REALITY ' EXISTING : LIFE!
Do not believe us ?
Let's take a small example : drive the car ?
Do you remember the early days when the drove, ? Were you tense you looked around and you were super focused on what was happening ... and yet the result was not good .. why?
First, because we lacked the experience , it is obvious but what is the experience?
Now you drive for a long time what happens? Climb up and part of the automatic program guide, is not it? You can drive and talk at the same time with someone or even doing other things (do not do is dangerous !) And talk to the phone while you continue to drive in a fully automatic and efficient : when you arrive at your destination , however , remember all the way or remember the conversation on the phone (made in part with the conscious mind ) ?
Who drove the car ? Obviously, the unconscious mind , the program pre-installed automatic driving .
Now another example :
Walk down the street and someone is in front of you ( do not know ) and insults you with absolutely unfounded accusations ( probably the wrong person ) who reacts to what ?
Your unconscious mind is starting his program and unless you are particularly aware with a " mastery " of emotions , most likely the program will start a chemical reaction to stress ( adrenaline pumping blood to areas of danger or arms and legs taking it to areas such as the brain and internal organs ) .
Most likely , the program will get in closure backing and perhaps responding with the same currency or insulting this person .
Depending on the air conditioning did you react in different ways ( aggression , fear, indifference , hysterical laughter etc etc) but the point is: who responds ?
So if you want to be responsible for my actions I have to somehow change my " beliefs " or what constitutes the operating system: all information entered in my subconscious during the first years of life from the outside .
It is not easy because I'm not aware !
But there are techniques with which to understand , read, and clean this information " implanted " in mind from conception to approximately 6 years of life.
Christian priests Jesuits knew this mechanism and they said, Give me a child up to 6 years and will forever be the church ! : No matter what you think , you will want with your conscious mind , because its basic program has now been implanted and react according to the information given .
The awareness raised through meditative techniques is definitely one of the most effective methods to make our conscious mind a "witness " of what is happening and understand and correct . It is however quite difficult to be aware of 100% at all times, especially at times when the chemistry of the brain influence heavily our automatic responses with the issue of hormones. For this reason it is essential to a certain constancy of any meditation technique is used so that it penetrates as much as possible also in the unconscious.
Another reflection of obligation is that to be truly and totally free you must be at least aware of these mechanisms , otherwise life becomes more like something you suffer : we become the victims.
These feelings were and are abundantly exploited by religious leaders to give false guilt to the people and induce them to comply with the rules imposed by the creed in use. It ' a very strong form of manipulation that makes people slaves for hundreds of years , without allowing to understand and exploit the huge potential that lies within us instead !
How to become responsible for their own future by erasing the programming had from the past
Based on scientific studies of neuroscience our behaviors derive 95-99 % by the unconscious mind , that this is real established habits .
If we were to compare the mind to a computer we would have :
Approximately 95% = unconscious mind with computing capability of 40 million bits per second ( though this " program " was included in the first 6 years or so of our lives and can not be changed simply because it is so to speak the "system operating " implanted in the hard disk that has large capacity that occupies a large part of our brain )
About 5% = conscious mind with computing capabilities of 4 bits per second ( here we have our creativity, our true desires and aspirations , our awareness , positive thinking : This small program is contained in the ram and then occupies a very small part the brain).
This means that we are truly ourselves about more than 5 % of the time , while the rest who " responds " is the program implanted in the unconscious which obviously comes from the conditioning had from conception to about the sixth year of age , or by other people ( parents , relatives , teachers, media, etc etc) .
Another incredible news ? Obviously we are not aware of this !
While we're there to tell you another news? But yeah, I'm telling you : the conscious as well as being well below capacity and speed is almost always " in the clouds " or moved in the future ( I would be , I would like to do, like I do, what I should do tomorrow ...) or in the past (because i have not done so, I would have considered itself etc etc ) AND NOT IN THIS OR THE ONLY TRUE REALITY ' EXISTING : LIFE!
Do not believe us ?
Let's take a small example : drive the car ?
Do you remember the early days when the drove, ? Were you tense you looked around and you were super focused on what was happening ... and yet the result was not good .. why?
First, because we lacked the experience , it is obvious but what is the experience?
Now you drive for a long time what happens? Climb up and part of the automatic program guide, is not it? You can drive and talk at the same time with someone or even doing other things (do not do is dangerous !) And talk to the phone while you continue to drive in a fully automatic and efficient : when you arrive at your destination , however , remember all the way or remember the conversation on the phone (made in part with the conscious mind ) ?
Who drove the car ? Obviously, the unconscious mind , the program pre-installed automatic driving .
Now another example :
Walk down the street and someone is in front of you ( do not know ) and insults you with absolutely unfounded accusations ( probably the wrong person ) who reacts to what ?
Your unconscious mind is starting his program and unless you are particularly aware with a " mastery " of emotions , most likely the program will start a chemical reaction to stress ( adrenaline pumping blood to areas of danger or arms and legs taking it to areas such as the brain and internal organs ) .
Most likely , the program will get in closure backing and perhaps responding with the same currency or insulting this person .
Depending on the air conditioning did you react in different ways ( aggression , fear, indifference , hysterical laughter etc etc) but the point is: who responds ?
So if you want to be responsible for my actions I have to somehow change my " beliefs " or what constitutes the operating system: all information entered in my subconscious during the first years of life from the outside .
It is not easy because I'm not aware !
But there are techniques with which to understand , read, and clean this information " implanted " in mind from conception to approximately 6 years of life.
Christian priests Jesuits knew this mechanism and they said, Give me a child up to 6 years and will forever be the church ! : No matter what you think , you will want with your conscious mind , because its basic program has now been implanted and react according to the information given .
The awareness raised through meditative techniques is definitely one of the most effective methods to make our conscious mind a "witness " of what is happening and understand and correct . It is however quite difficult to be aware of 100% at all times, especially at times when the chemistry of the brain influence heavily our automatic responses with the issue of hormones. For this reason it is essential to a certain constancy of any meditation technique is used so that it penetrates as much as possible also in the unconscious.
Another reflection of obligation is that to be truly and totally free you must be at least aware of these mechanisms , otherwise life becomes more like something you suffer : we become the victims.
These feelings were and are abundantly exploited by religious leaders to give false guilt to the people and induce them to comply with the rules imposed by the creed in use. It ' a very strong form of manipulation that makes people slaves for hundreds of years , without allowing to understand and exploit the huge potential that lies within us instead !
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