Cosa ci è
rimasto di vitale nella nostra vita?
quando l’uomo (o come dicono giustamente i miei compagni di viaggio
e amici Andrea e Alessandro di Project Escape : , l’homo sapiens si è
scollegato dalla natura di cui faceva a fa parte integrante è
avvenuta una degradazione sempre più marcata sul focus ove l’uomo
pone rilievo.
spiego meglio: finito il contatto con la natura ed iniziata la vita
di città nelle civiltà post-industriali le persone trovano ormai
sfogo della loro naturalità quasi solo nelle relazioni quotidiane
con le altre persone.
come sono ormai diventate queste relazioni? Con chi interagiamo più
spesso? Con quale modalità? E qual’è l’effetto di queste
nostra vita si svolge per l’80% o anche più al lavoro o a qualcosa
ad esso collegato e sul posto si lavoro come sono le nostre
parte qualche rara eccezione quasi sempre ricopriamo ruoli, come
anche nella vita ma sul lavoro in modo più marcato e questi ruoli
sono maschere che ci mettiamo e togliamo e che fanno poco parte di
noi stessi, della nostra vera natura , della nostra essenza più
volte della nostra essenza non comunichiamo mai con nessuno, neppure
con i nostri famigliari, le persone più care perché temiamo di
scoprire le nostre parti più intime, più fragili ma allo stesso
tempo più vere.
questo significa che non siamo quasi mai noi stessi, non sappiamo
neppure chi siamo e neppure ce lo chiediamo e nessuno si sogna di
vedere questo negli altri. Negli altri vediamo molto più facilmente
i difetti e quello che non ci piace e non va bene all’establishment,
e quindi diventa una vera farsa di ruoli in cui cambiamo
incessantemente maschera.
parliamo con gli altri spesso è per sfogare la frustrazione di
questa situazione o di altre problematiche, gettando
irrimediabilmente la nostra spazzatura nella mente dell’altro, che
poi farà lo stesso con altre persone. Nessuno veramente ascolta con
empatia o in modo attivo e consapevole e quindi s’innesca una vera
a propria reazione a catena di spazzatura.
nostra società è quindi un’immensa pattumiera, o una discarica?
Sarebbe veramente esagerato dire questo ma pochi cercano di fare
qualcosa di diverso per rimediare al disagio delle relazioni malate.
accorgimenti sarebbero ad esempio il colloquio con se stessi in modo
consapevole immersi nel silenzio, il contatto con la natura ed i suoi
suoni naturali mentre sempre più spesso vedo persone che per sfogare
questa inquietudine riversano il loro poco tempo libero in realtà
virtuali come film, giochi elettronici, social network o riempono il
vuoto di una sana relazione con gli altri con altre cose che non
c’entrano nulla come lo shopping compulsivo, il cibo sia in un
senso (mangiare troppo) che nell’altro con l’ortoressia, il sesso
( sia in un senso che nell’altro ed in mille modalità diverse
anche grazie al massiccio bombardamento mediatico di internet).
lavoro spesso le relazioni sono tossiche perché le aziende sono
costruite su un concetto di massima competizione e ricerca del
profitto ad ogni costo, mascherato da mission aziendale e valori
sempre finti ed inventati per sviare le persone dal vero ed ultimo
ambiente totalmente competitivo dove la persona conta pochissimo ed
il denaro è padrone non può determinare relazioni naturali fra le
persone ed ognuno trova la sua maschera da indossare 8 ore delle 24
al giorno, senza contare che oggi anche fuori dall’orario di lavoro
siamo subissati da comunicazione spazzatura via internet con i nostri
fantastici e bellissimi telefonini (che ci fanno credere essere l’
oggetto di tecnologia che ci rende più facile la vita mentre in
realtà si tratta del più grande inganno perpetuato dall’uomo a se
stesso per renderlo schiavo e controllato h24 da chi decide come deve
essere la nostra vita, cosa dobbiamo pensare, desiderare ecc ecc….).
ci è rimasto di vitale nella nostra vita? Quel poco tempo libero che
spesso impieghiamo male perché stanchi o sviati da falsi scopi o
falsi desideri. Oppure come dicevo prima usiamo il nostro tempo
libero per soddisfare bisogni che non sono nostri ma ci sono stati
inculcati dai media per reggere un mercato sempre più competitivo,
una crescita infinita di consumi che ormai è diventata impossibile
in quanto supera la risorse del nostro pianeta e lo sta
compromettendo, rompendo l’armonia e l’equilibrio naturale.
rimane davvero poco ed il tempo della nostra vita continua a andare
avanti incessantemente senza che ce ne accorgiamo.
Since man (or as my traveling companions and friends Andrea and
Alessandro of Project Escape:
correctly say, homo sapiens has become disconnected from the nature
he was doing an integral part has increasingly deteriorated on the
focus where the man places emphasis.
Let me explain better: once contact with nature is over and life in cities has begun in post-industrial civilizations, people find their naturalness almost exclusively in daily relationships with other people.
But how have these relationships become now? With whom do we interact more often? With what modality? And what is the effect of these relationships?
Our life takes place for 80% or even more at work or something connected to it and where do we work as our relationships are?
Apart from some rare exceptions, we almost always cover roles, as in life but on work in a more marked way, and these roles are masks that we put on and take off and that do little part of ourselves, of our true nature, of our deepest essence .
At times of our essence we never communicate with anyone, not even with our relatives, the dearest people because we fear to discover our most intimate parts, the most fragile but at the same time more true.
All this means that we are almost never ourselves, we do not even know who we are or even ask ourselves and no one dreams of seeing this in others. In others we see defects much more easily and what we do not like and is not good for the establishment, and therefore it becomes a real farce of roles in which we incessantly change the mask.
When we talk to others it is often to vent the frustration of this situation or other problems, irretrievably throwing our rubbish in the mind of the other, who then will do the same with other people. No one really listens empathetically or actively and consciously and therefore triggers a true and proper garbage chain reaction.
So is our society an immense dustbin or a dump? It would be really exaggerated to say this but few try to do something different to remedy the discomfort of sick relationships.
The precautions would be for example the conversation with oneself in a conscious way immersed in silence, the contact with nature and its natural sounds while more and more often I see people who, to vent this anxiety, pour their little free time into virtual reality as a film, electronic games, social networks or fill the void of a healthy relationship with others with other things that have nothing to do with compulsive shopping, food either in one way (overeating) or in the other with orthorexia, the sex (both in one sense and in another and in a thousand different ways also thanks to the massive media bombardment of the internet).
At work, relationships are often toxic because companies are built on a concept of maximum competition and pursuit of profit at all costs, disguised as a company mission and values that are always fake and invented to divert people from the true and ultimate purpose.
A totally competitive environment where the person counts very little and the money is the master can not determine natural relationships between people and everyone finds his mask to wear 8 hours of the 24 a day, not to mention that today even outside working hours we are overwhelmed from junk communication via the internet with our fantastic and beautiful mobile phones (which make us believe to be the object of technology that makes our life easier while in reality it is the greatest deception perpetuated by man to himself to make him a slave and controlled h24 by those who decide how our life should be, what we need to think, to desire, etc. etc.).
What is left of vitality in our lives? That little free time that we often misuse because tired or misled by false aims or false desires. Or as I said before we use our free time to satisfy needs that are not ours but we have been inculcated by the media to support an increasingly competitive market, an infinite growth of consumption that has now become impossible as it exceeds the resources of our planet and it is compromising it, breaking harmony and natural balance.
We have very little left and the time of our life continues to go on incessantly without our realizing it.
Let me explain better: once contact with nature is over and life in cities has begun in post-industrial civilizations, people find their naturalness almost exclusively in daily relationships with other people.
But how have these relationships become now? With whom do we interact more often? With what modality? And what is the effect of these relationships?
Our life takes place for 80% or even more at work or something connected to it and where do we work as our relationships are?
Apart from some rare exceptions, we almost always cover roles, as in life but on work in a more marked way, and these roles are masks that we put on and take off and that do little part of ourselves, of our true nature, of our deepest essence .
At times of our essence we never communicate with anyone, not even with our relatives, the dearest people because we fear to discover our most intimate parts, the most fragile but at the same time more true.
All this means that we are almost never ourselves, we do not even know who we are or even ask ourselves and no one dreams of seeing this in others. In others we see defects much more easily and what we do not like and is not good for the establishment, and therefore it becomes a real farce of roles in which we incessantly change the mask.
When we talk to others it is often to vent the frustration of this situation or other problems, irretrievably throwing our rubbish in the mind of the other, who then will do the same with other people. No one really listens empathetically or actively and consciously and therefore triggers a true and proper garbage chain reaction.
So is our society an immense dustbin or a dump? It would be really exaggerated to say this but few try to do something different to remedy the discomfort of sick relationships.
The precautions would be for example the conversation with oneself in a conscious way immersed in silence, the contact with nature and its natural sounds while more and more often I see people who, to vent this anxiety, pour their little free time into virtual reality as a film, electronic games, social networks or fill the void of a healthy relationship with others with other things that have nothing to do with compulsive shopping, food either in one way (overeating) or in the other with orthorexia, the sex (both in one sense and in another and in a thousand different ways also thanks to the massive media bombardment of the internet).
At work, relationships are often toxic because companies are built on a concept of maximum competition and pursuit of profit at all costs, disguised as a company mission and values that are always fake and invented to divert people from the true and ultimate purpose.
A totally competitive environment where the person counts very little and the money is the master can not determine natural relationships between people and everyone finds his mask to wear 8 hours of the 24 a day, not to mention that today even outside working hours we are overwhelmed from junk communication via the internet with our fantastic and beautiful mobile phones (which make us believe to be the object of technology that makes our life easier while in reality it is the greatest deception perpetuated by man to himself to make him a slave and controlled h24 by those who decide how our life should be, what we need to think, to desire, etc. etc.).
What is left of vitality in our lives? That little free time that we often misuse because tired or misled by false aims or false desires. Or as I said before we use our free time to satisfy needs that are not ours but we have been inculcated by the media to support an increasingly competitive market, an infinite growth of consumption that has now become impossible as it exceeds the resources of our planet and it is compromising it, breaking harmony and natural balance.
We have very little left and the time of our life continues to go on incessantly without our realizing it.